ACUTE MESENTERIC ISCHAEMIA SYMPTOMS: Sudden onset of severe abdominal but the abdomen is soft and there is no finding in clinical examination of the abdomen. Patient can present wih per
BLOOD STAINED DISCHARGE: It can be caused by Paget’s disease Duct papilloma especially if discharge is from the duct, usually single duct: Ductography/ ductogram is indicated. Breast cancer CLEAR DISCHARGE:
If nipple skin changes and areola area e.g. eczematous changes or inflammatory changes then it’s likely to be Paget’s disease, especially if unilateral: Go for open biopsy or punch biopsy.
RISK FACTORS Strong family history of breast cancer (genetic factors-BRCA 2 gene) Early menarche and late menopause Nulliparity CLINICAL FEATURES Palpable, hard, irregular, fixed breast lump, usually painless Nipple retraction
FIRST ASSESSMENT: Clinical examination of the breast including axillary lymph nodes If the lump is mobile, not attached to underlying structure, firm in consistence, smooth surface: It’s likely to be
ANTERIOR TRIANGLE LUMPS BRANCHIAL CYST: Located in anterior triangle. Contains cholesterol crystals. Usually before the age of 30 years. It emerges under the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle where
TYPE OF POST OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS General complications Specific complications Wound problems GENERAL COMPLICATIONS FEVER : It can be caused by following reasons: A. PNEUMONIA: It can occur as a complication
Mentally retarded or learning disability patient because they my not be able to recognize the complications. Those patient s who live alone. Cases which have infection at the site of
It should be given at induction or upto 30 minutes before surgery. The following are the different types of surgeries and antibiotics coverage that is to be done accordingly: Surgery
Aspirin can be continued until operation. Target pre-operative INR for patients on Warfarin is <2.5. Warfarin must be stopped 5 days before the operation and be given heparin pre-operatively because