
ANTT (Aseptic non-touch technique)


This technique is used in various clinical procedures:

Urinary catherization

IV line and IV drug administration

Wound care


Maintain aseptic field

Good hand hygiene practice

Avoid touching key parts of components used in clinical procedures

For example in IV medication administration:

  • Tips of syringe
  • Needles
  • Fluid and diluents
  • Spikes of giving sets
  • Air inlets
  • End of luer connectors
  • Bungs
  • Hubs
  • Ports
  • Collect drug chart and check allergy
  • Take plastic tray and clean it with detergent wipe, air dry
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap/alcohol gel and water
  • Wipe tray with 70% alcohol solution and leave it to air dry
  • Collect all items you need for task and place next to tray
  • Decontaminate hand using alcohol gel
  • Wear gloves
  • While opening the packages, do not tear paper as it will create a viable air borne particles which will lead to contamination.
  • Assemble the needle and syringe ensuring key parts are not contaminated
  • All liquids must be drawn with needles
  • Remove dust cap and wipe with alcohol gel
  • Take the tray to bedside for administration as soon as possible
  • Dispose gloves and decontaminate hand
  • Take patient’s consent and explain procedure
  • Decontaminate hand and wear disposable apron
  • Check IV access site for signs of infection
  • Decontaminate hand and wear pair of gloves
  • Clean the port with alcohol gel and give 30 seconds to dry
  • Administrate drugs
  • Dispose all used equipment appropriately
  • Remove apron and gloves and dispose
  • Decontaminate hands with alcohol gel
  • Complete your documentation
  • Clean the tray and return to preparation area

How to perform in ANTT skills testing in wound care?

  • Check the scene for safety and undertake risk assessment, for example move any objects near patient.
  • Decontaminate hand using alcohol gel
  • Introduce yourself to patient and confirm patient’s details and check ID band.
  • Check for allergies. Please ensure you check allergies for adhesives, latex and plasters.
  • Explain to patient what you are doing and gain consent. Ensure patients confidentiality.
  • Check for pain and ensure they are comfortable before you start a procedure.
  • Inspect wound dressing site including bed linen (verbalize)
  • Explain to patient that you will dispose the gloves and prepare the articles needed.
  • Wash your hand using 7 step.
  • Ensure trolley is cleaned with soap and water.
  • Clean with alcohol wipes after putting disposable gloves and apron.
  • Wipe trolley from upper shelf to bottom, from farthest point to nearest one.
  • Dispose gloves and decontaminate hand
  • Prepare equipment and assemble all articles in bottom shelf. Check packets are intact and expiry date.
  • Check  there is no precipitate in saline or liquid solution
  • Gloves, alcohol wipes and hand gel.
  • While moving a trolley, do not touch shelf and hold on legs of trolley.
  • Return to patient and put clean pair of gloves
  • Gain consent to remove any covering clothes and remove dressing edge
  • Open dressing pack without tearing paper, clean hands and unwrap the pack holding its edges only
  • Grab orange bag and arrange articles as needed
  • Use the same orange bag and remove the used dressing and reverse it back. Stick it in bottom shelf of trolley.
  • Perform another hand wash and clean saline sachet with alcohol wipes for 30 seconds and let it dry for 30 seconds
  • Open dressing materials into the sterile field
  • Clean hand and wear new pair of sterile gloves and drape patient.
  • Clean the wound categorizing cleaned and dirty hand. Make sure you don’t touch dirty hand with clean hand while passing materials. Clean the wound with gauze soaked in saline solution. Clean wound from clean to dirty area in single stroke
  • Apply the new dressing taking care not to contaminate. Disposed all the waste materials. Clean the trolley and cover the patient.
  • After dressing, check if patient is comfortable and let them know you are available if they have any issues.
  • Decontaminate hand and complete documentation stating that you completed procedure using ANTT.
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