Write the indications and contraindications of Endoscopic DCR.
Indications of endoscopic DCR :
Epiphora associated c 10 acquired Naso Lacrimal Duct (NLD) obstruction
Infection of Lacrimal sac associated c 10 acquired NLD obstruction.
NLD obstruction 20 to specific inflammatory infiltrative disorder.
The level of obstruction that is distal to the junction of the lacrimal sac and the duct.
In the management of lacrimal duct injuries associated sinus surgery.
Contraindication of endoscopic DCR :
Presence of a firm indurated mass above the level of medial canthus
Bloody epiphora
Presence of bony destruction as seen in radiological film.
Pseudoepiphora(It is essentially reflux tearing in which the main gland over compensate secretion because of lack secretion from minor glands of along the lid margin).
Remarkable History of DCR
External dacryocystorhinostomy: Toti
1st dacryocystorhinstomy: Celus
Endonasal approach: 1st described: caldwell, west and Mosher
1st performed: Mc Donogh
Anterior lacrimal crest: Frontal process of maxillary
Posterior lacrimal crest: Lacrimal bone
Jones test:
It is a test of the patency of the nasolacrimal system.
Fluorescein is placed in the conjunctival sac and visualized in the nose after a period of 5 minute, there is impaired outflow →proximal obstruction , dye seen→distal obstruction.